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Dual-Credit Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate Programs
Learn the subject-specific knowledge you need to begin or advance your career or to explore a new field. WilmU's undergraduate and graduate certificate programs provide an efficient and affordable way to boost your skills and your resume. Most can be completed within one year and 100% online! Plus, they feature dual-credits that can be applied to multiple academic programs at WilmU, like a certificate and a degree. Need more reasons? Here are 10 good ones!

Accelerate your education while saving time and tuition.
Through WilmU's Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ feature, you can earn a certificate AND get credit toward a degree at the same time! Go further, faster, earning stackable credentials with significant savings. Learn more about Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE, or view our full list of certificate options below!
3D for Digital Media
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Accounting Review
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Accounting, Post-Bachelor’s
Post-Bachelor Certificate | College of Business
Administration in Higher Education
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Advanced Graphic Design
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Advanced Study in School Counseling
Certificate of Advanced Study | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Agile Project Management
Graduate Certificate | College of Technology
Applied Business Statistics
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Artificial Intelligence
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Business Communication
Graduate Certificate | College of Business
Case Management for Human Services
Graduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Child Advocacy Studies
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Cloud Practitioner
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Community Engagement
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Conflict Resolution
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Construction Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Crime Scene Investigation
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Criminal Justice, Undergraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Cybersecurity and FinTech
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Data Analytics, Undergraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Data Visualization
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Digital Education
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Digital Evidence Discovery
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Digital Evidence Investigation
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Digital Marketing
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Drone Operations and Applications
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Dual-Credit Advantage Option to Graduate Certificate in Agile Project Management
Graduate Certificate | College of Technology
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Dual-Credit Advantage Option to Graduate Certificate in Management Information Systems
Graduate Certificate | College of Technology
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Dual-Credit Advantage Option to Graduate Certificate in SCADA Cybersecurity
Graduate Certificate | College of Technology
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Dual-Credit Advantage Option to Graduate Certificate in Technology Project Management
Graduate Certificate | College of Technology
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Emergency Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
English for Academic Purposes
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Equitable Practices
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Essentials of People Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Family Nurse Practitioner (Post-MSN)
Post-MSN Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Family Science
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Finance, Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate | College of Business
Financial Management in Human Services
Graduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Forensic Science
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Foundations in Higher Education
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Graphic Design, Undergraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Health Information Technology (HIT)
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Health Promotion: Fitness
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Healthcare Administration
Graduate Certificate | College of Business
Hispanic Cultural
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Holistic Palliative and End-of-Life Care
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Holistic Perspective on Aging and Wellness
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Hospitality Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Human Resource Management, Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate | College of Business
Human Resource Management, Undergraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Human Trafficking Awareness
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Interdisciplinary Care Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Java Programming
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Management Information Systems, Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate | College of Technology
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Marketing Analytics
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Marketing Management
Graduate Certificate | College of Business
Marketing, Undergraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Microsoft .NET Applications Development
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT)
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Nonprofit Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Nonprofit Management
Graduate Certificate | College of Business
Organizational Leadership, Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate | College of Business
Photography, Undergraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Post MSN Nursing Leadership
Post-MSN Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Post-Baccalaureate Legal Nurse Consultant
Post-Bachelor Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Post-Bachelor’s Paralegal
Post-Bachelor Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Post-Master's Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
Graduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Post-Masters Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
Graduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Post-Masters Legal Nurse Consultant Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
Graduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Post-Masters Nurse Educator Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
Graduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Post-Masters Nurse Executive Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
Graduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Post-Masters Public Health Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
Graduate Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Project Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP)
Post-MSN Certificate | College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Reading Specialist
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Sales Administration
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
SCADA Cyber Security
Graduate Certificate | College of Technology
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Social Media Management
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Special Education: Autism/Severe Intellectual Disabilities
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Special Education: Early Childhood Exceptional Children
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Special Education: K-12 Teacher of Students with Disabilities
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Sport Analytics
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Sport Media
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
STEM Education
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Student Affairs in Higher Education
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Graduate Certificate | College of Business
Teacher Licensure (K-6)
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Teacher Licensure - Secondary Education (6-12)
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Teacher Licensure - Special Education
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Teaching in Higher Education
Graduate Certificate | College of Education & Liberal Arts
Technical Communication
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Technology Project Management
Graduate Certificate | College of Technology
Accelerated Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Option
Training & Staff Development
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Business
Trauma and Resilience
Graduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Trauma-Informed Approaches
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
UX/UI Design
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Video Production
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
Web Applications Development
Undergraduate Certificate | College of Technology
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