Course Registration
Before You Register
New Students or Former Students
If you are a new student who has not been admitted to the University, or a returning student who has been away from the University for more than one year, you must apply for admission or see an admissions representative before registering.
Select Your Course Schedule
- Degree Works in MyWilmU lets you view your remaining course requirements and educational plan with a list of courses to take each term provided by your academic advisor
- Registration and Planning in MyWilmU lets you find classes offered and pre-plan for registering for courses for the upcoming term.
Check Your Student Account
Your student account must be current in order to begin registration for an upcoming term.* You can check your student account online using MyWilmU. Also see Payment Information.
Check Your Financial Aid Status
If you are applying for or receiving financial aid, please verify your financial aid status prior to registering.* You can check your status online in MyWilmU.
Register Online with 
MyWilmU lets you register or request registration for any course in the upcoming term, 24/7, 100% online:
- Log in to MyWilmU
- Find and select Register for Courses*
- See the Self-Help Guides and Tutorials for step-by-step how-to instructions.
Register In-Person
Please have a course schedule selected (with alternates) prior to visiting the Registrar's Office or home site office. See the previous section, Select Your Course Schedule.
For your privacy and protection, students will be asked to present a valid photo ID when registering or conducting any personal student business. Examples of photo ID include:
- Wilmington University ID Card
- Driver’s License
- State-issued identification card
- Passport
- Resident alien card
Showing ID protects your privacy by ensuring that only you or the people listed on your FERPA form have access to your protected student information.
Your Course Schedule
After you register for courses, your course schedule is available right away, and any time, in MyWilmU.
- Log in to MyWilmU
- View your course schedule via your Student Profile.
You may change or adjust your course schedule during the drop/add period.
*Course Payment
By registering for class(es) offered by Wilmington University, you agree to pay tuition, fees, and other charges associated with my enrollment in these classes on or before the scheduled due dates. Please see Student Financial Responsibility Agreement for more information.