Secondary Teaching Student
College of Education & Liberal Arts

M.A. in Secondary Teaching (6-12)

Your Answer to the Call of the Classroom

The Master of Arts in Secondary Teaching (6-12), one of WilmU's teacher preparation programs for working adults who've earned bachelor's degrees in non-education fields, qualifies its students for the state licensure and certification necessary to teach in Delaware's public and charter secondary schools. The program combines educational theory and classroom practice into coursework that trains future teachers to meet the learning and developmental needs of students while satisfying the Delaware Department of Education's content knowledge requirements.

Teacher Preparation Program Led by Experienced Educators

Develop your instructional skills through comprehensive coursework taught by a faculty with real experience in the practice of education and the challenges that educators face in today's schools. WilmU's College of Education and Liberal Arts graduates are rated by the principals and supervisors who employ them as uniquely prepared to design and lead effective learning experiences among diverse student populations.

Year-Long Residency Option Trains Teachers for Excellence

WilmU’s immersive Year-Long Residency student teaching option offers an alternative to the traditional 80-day student teaching model and yields outstanding results. Candidates who complete the program are in high demand and have secured excellent teaching positions in Delaware and in high-quality schools across the country.

The Choice of Top Educators

WilmU graduates bring high-quality education to classrooms throughout Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic region. More than 3,500 of the state's teachers earned their bachelor's or master's degrees at WilmU, including 12 of the last 16 Teachers of the Year chosen by Delaware's Department of Education. In addition, about half of Delaware's principals and assistant principals have studied at WilmU.

The Master's in Becoming a Teacher program at Wilmington University is CAEP Accredited The College of Education and Liberal Arts is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.

14 courses 43 total credits
Degree program includes full-time, 80-day student-teaching internship or Year-Long Residency option.

$1,611 per course

Cost of a typical 3-credit graduate degree course.
Wilmington University tuition is based on cost-per-credit.
You only pay for the courses you need to complete your teaching degree.

Ribbon with star

Learn About Our Impressive Class of Graduates

WilmU COELA graduates are consistently recognized as education leaders.

View Impressive Grads

WilmU Teacher Preparedness Statistics

Graduates of WilmU Teacher Preparation programs are well-prepared for their careers.

96% of graduates indicate their teacher preparation program prepared them to design instruction/learning experiences that account for individual differences in abilities and backgrounds.

92% of graduates indicate their teacher preparation program prepared them to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment all students.

91% of graduates indicate their teacher preparation program prepared them to use content knowledge to design, select, or modify formative and summative assessments, which are aligned with instructional goals and provide information about student progress on those goals.

Teacher Salaries

According to the National Education Association, teachers in Delaware earn:*

$60,214 average salary

$41,639 average starting salary

Teacher Salaries by State can be found here. Applicants for positions in Delaware should visit Join Delaware Schools. To apply for positions outside of Delaware, applicants should visit the State Department of Education.

*Salary schedules vary by school and district because they include both state and local school district funds.

I wanted to become the best teacher I can be, and I know there is so much for me to learn. At Wilmington University, I learned so many ways to reach my students and teach them effectively. — Samantha A.
Becoming a Teacher Samantha Anderson Testimonial

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