Faculty Profile

Austin Jenkins
Adjunct Program Coordinator, Cybersecurity
College of Technology
Adjunct Instructor
B.A., University of Delaware
Austin Jenkins has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Delaware and has seven years of experience as a Digital Forensic Specialist. Austin has accumulated several industry-leading certifications relating to technology and digital forensics, including from the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS), Certified Computer Forensic Examiner (CFCE), IACIS Certified Mobile Device Examiner (ICMDE), and from the Global Information Assurance Certification, GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner, GIAC Advance Smartphone Forensics examiner (GASF) to name a few.
Austin has been an adjunct instructor at Wilmington University for several years and enjoys learning alongside students in various fields of study. Studying and implementing forensic techniques to assist with various investigations and sharing his experiences with his students is his passion, and he enjoys his line of work every day.