Faculty Profile

Dana Olive

Dana Olive

Assistant Chair, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program

College of Health Professions and Natural Sciences

Assistant Professor

PhD, Widener University

MSN, MCP Hahnemann University

BSN, Cedar Crest Colleges

BS, West Chester University


Dr. Dana Olive has been an Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner since August 2000. She has a PhD in Nursing from Widener University, MSN from MCP Hahnemann University, BSN from Cedar Crest College, and BS in Pharmaceutical Product Development from West Chester University. She has completed an additional Master’s Certificate in Organizational Communication from La Salle  University.

Dr. Olive has worked in a variety of clinical settings including Inpatient, Outpatient, Corrections, Crisis Residential, and  Crisis Intervention. She is passionate about volunteering  and is committed to serving  her profession and her community. She presently serves as the Governance Chair of the Eta Beta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International at Widener University and she sits on the national-level Practice Council Steering  Committee for the  American Psychiatric Nurses Association. In recent years, she has enjoyed an annual Mission trip to the Dominican Republic.  In her free time, she is an avid reader and enjoys attending events to learn about Mindfulness-based practices and Integrative Health.