Finish What You Started: Complete Your Bachelor's Degree

Wilmington University helps you leverage your existing knowledge to complete your bachelor's degree faster and more affordably.

Maximize your credit transfer from life, work and school experiences including:

Prior college-level coursework

Transfer credits from prior courses, degrees and pre-college programs.

Certifications, trainings and licenses

Explore how industry-recognized trainings and credentials may translate into WilmU academic credit.

Military experience

WilmU accepts credit for military training and course credit earned through DANTES, ECE, CLEP and other sources.

Standardized tests and exams

Discover alternatives for earning WilmU credit from ACE credit-recommended partner courses or standardized exams.

Portfolio assessment

Students may earn credit for knowledge obtained outside of the classroom by preparing a portfolio for faculty review.

Work-integrated learning

As a WilmU student, you can earn academic credit through employment in a supervised co-op or internship related to your field of study.

Student Examples

See how these students applied different sources of academic credit to their WilmU bachelor's degree programs — saving time and tuition dollars.


Credits sourced to complete degree:

Cartoon picture of a male

Certifications (Microsoft Office Specialist: 3 credits, CompTIA Network+: 3 credits, SHRM Certified Professional: 9 credits): 15 CREDITS

DE Construction Apprenticeship: 42 CREDITS

57 credits accepted. 63 credits remain.


Credits sourced to complete degree:

Cartoon picture of a female

Prior college coursework: 9 CREDITS

Training (Police Academy): 12 CREDITS

Military experience: 39 CREDITS

Standardized Exam: 6 CREDITS

66 credits accepted. 54 credits remain.


Credits sourced to complete degree:

Cartoon picture of a male

Prior college coursework (Associate Degree: 60 credits, Relevant undergraduate courses: 27 credits): 87 CREDITS

87 credits accepted. 33 credits remain.

Next Steps

Fill out this quick form for more information about how WilmU can help you complete your degree.

Reach Out to Learn More

Have questions? Let us help!

Our Enrollment and Engagement Counselors can guide you through the application process, admissions requirements, funding options and more so you can build the WilmU education plan that works for you.

Transfer tips and
success stories:

Jada Brinkley, a Wilmington University senior majoring in Business Analytics, is an intern at the Wilmington Alliance, a nonprofit organization focused on eco-nomic development and.../>


A Real-World Internship
