Course Descriptions
Health Care Administration
HCA 7700
Seminar in Health Care Administration
3 credits
This course is a survey of the health service delivery system with an emphasis on its ethics and the evolving nature of the health care system in today’s global environment. Issues related to multi-health systems integration, physician/hospital organizations, and alternative delivery systems for the ageing population are explored. The impact of the health systems within other countries is examined for its effect on and contribution toward the United States health care system.
HCA 7720
Health Policy and Economics
3 credits
This course explores the relationship between the general economic environment and the health care system. A macroeconomic framework is used to examine issues related to the demand and supply for health services, reimbursement rates, and cost controls within the health sector.
HCA 7730
Health Insurance and Reimbursement
3 credits
This course focuses on existing and emerging insurance products in the health care system and the impact of these products upon provider arrangements. Risk sharing and contracting issues in managed care organizations, preferred provider networks, and integrated delivery systems are assessed.
HCA 7740
Legal Aspects in Health Care
3 credits
This course provides an understanding of ethical and legal issues inherent in the provision of health services. The course considers issues related to disclosure and confidentiality, provider relationships, exclusive contracts, restrictive covenants, and social issues such as the provision of uncompensated care.
HCA 7745
Marketing in the Health Care Sector
3 credits
This course explores the application of marketing theories to the health care industry. Issues related to the measurement of patient satisfaction, physician recruitment, and product development will be examined through case analysis and an applied research project focused on the utilization of various marketing strategies.
HCA 7900
Special Topics in Health Care Administration
3 credits
This course addresses different topics of interest in Health Care Administration. It is conducted in a seminar or symposium format where each student is an active and involved participant in the selection of topic questions and material to be covered. Topics might include organizational learning, women in leadership, adult learning, leadership and culture, re-engineering, or organizational resizing. The course may be used to meet part of the elective requirements for business degree programs.