Course Descriptions
Military Science
MLS 105
Introduction to Leadership I
1 credit
This course provides an introduction to leadership principles using case studies, historical perspectives, and hands-on leadership opportunities. Students will learn to rappel, use a map and compass, understand the basics of physical fitness, and become familiar with Army traditions and ceremonies. No military obligation is associated with this course. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 106
Introduction to Leadership II
1 credit
This course continues to build on the basics of MLS 105. It presents additional leadership opportunities and expands upon leadership theory. Students will learn basic rifle marksmanship, develop public presentation abilities, and continue physical fitness development. No military obligation is associated with this course. Previous ROTC participation is not required. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 108
Ranger Company
1 credit
This course provides training in a variety of military disciplines in order to build knowledge of small-unit military tactics, develop leader skills, and improve physical fitness and overall confidence levels. No military obligation is associated with this course. ROTC participation is not required. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 166
Special Problem
3 credits
See course description for MLS 105 or MLS 106. This course number is designed for students who have scheduling conflicts due to courses required for their degree. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 205
Basic Leadership I
1 credit
This course is designed to enhance understanding of human behavior, leadership techniques, and management and planning structures. It builds leadership competencies through leadership opportunities with structured evaluations and feedback. Students will learn about the various branches and job opportunities in the Army. No military obligation is associated with this course. Previous ROTC participation is not required. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 206
Basic Leadership II
1 credit
This course continues to build on the basics of MLS 205. Students will learn small-unit tactics and how to handle up to ten people in stressful situations with feedback on performance. Students will also further develop skills with a map and compass, weapons safety, and emergency first-aid techniques for basic life saving. No military obligation is associated with this course. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 215
Leadership Development
4 credits
This is an introductory, six week off-campus, hands-on leadership education and assessment course called the Leader Training Course, designed for students interested in becoming Army officers. Real life individual and collective leadership challenges and opportunities are presented. This course is held at Fort Knox, Kentucky. All expenses are paid. Multiple scholarship opportunities are available. No military obligation is associated with this course, but a sincere interest in becoming an Army officer is required. Previous ROTC participation is not required. Restriction: permission of instructor required.
MLS 266
Special Problem
3 credits
See course description for MLS 205 or MLS 206. This course number is designed for students who have scheduling conflicts due to courses required for their degree. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 305
Applied Leadership I
3 credits
This course provides advanced training in military leadership. It is one of two courses designed to prepare cadets for the ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course. It focuses on leadership development through multiple, small-unit leadership opportunities and counseling, and fine tunes skills learned in the previous two years of Military Science; the ROTC Leader Training Course; or prior military service, especially marksmanship, land navigation, drill and ceremonies, and physical fitness. Commitment to military service is required. Restriction: Permission of instructor required. This course is for ROTC students, current military service members, or veterans. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 306
Applied Leadership II
3 credits
This course continues to build on the basics of MLS 305. It completes preparation for the Leader Development and Assessment Course and focuses on leadership at the platoon (40 adults) and company (120 adults) level. Small-unit tactics and training are emphasized. Information is provided to help the student make wise decisions about military service options. Commitment to military service is required. This course is for ROTC students only. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
Prerequisite(s): MLS 305
MLS 315
Leader Evaluation
4 credits
This is an advanced, four-week off-campus, hands-on leadership education and assessment course. Real life individual and collective leadership challenges and opportunities are provided. This course is held at Fort Knox, Kentucky. All expenses are paid. Commitment to military service is required. Restriction: Permission of instructor required.
Prerequisite(s): MLS 305 and MLS 306
MLS 365
Military History Studies
3 credits
This course covers selected topics in American military history, current military trends, and future military requirements. No military obligation is required. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 366
Independent Study
3 credits
See course descriptions for MLS 305 or MLS 306. This course is designed for students who have conflicts due to the scheduling of required degree courses. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
MLS 405
Advanced Leadership
3 credits
This course prepares cadets for commissioning by refining professional skills and leadership ability. Students are assigned leadership positions and function as commanders and staff officers in planning and executing cadet battalion activities. The course focuses on technical skills needed to accomplish assigned missions and other topics which expand cadet knowledge of Army systems and procedures. Commitment to military service is required. This course is for ROTC students only. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
Prerequisite(s): MLS 305 and MLS 306
MLS 406
Advanced Leadership II
3 credits
This course builds on leadership skills from MLS 405 and helps complete the transition from cadet to lieutenant. Cadets are assigned new leadership positions to broaden their leadership experience. The focus is on officer professional development subjects needed to manage a military career and personal affairs. This course is for ROTC students only. Commitment to military service is required. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)
Prerequisite(s): MLS 405
MLS 466
Independent Study
3 credits
See course descriptions for MLS 405 or MLS 4306. This course is designed for students who have conflicts due to the scheduling of required degree courses. (This course will be taught at the University of Delaware.)