Course Descriptions
Military Science
AFS 110
Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force I
1 credit
''Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force,'' is a survey course designed to introduce students to the United States Air Force and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization of the Air Force.
Prerequisite(s): freshman status
AFS 111
Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force II
1 credit
''Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force,'' is a survey course designed to introduce students to the United States Air Force and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization of the Air Force.
Prerequisite(s): AFS 110 and freshman status
AFS 150
Initial Military Training I
0 credits
Leadership Lab (LLAB) for the Initial Military Training (IMT) cadets is a recruiting and retention tool. It is an informative and motivational experience, one that inspires cadets to continue to pursue the AFROTC program and an Air Force commission. The focus should be on activities that promote the Air Force way of life and help effectively recruit and retain qualified cadets. LLAB provides new cadets with basic skills and knowledge needed to be a functional member of the cadet corps. It also provides the IMT cadet with information they can use to determine whether or not they wish to continue with the AFROTC program and subsequently pursue an Air Force commission. Weekly activities are designed to build camaraderie and esprit de corps, as well as help them develop leadership and teamwork skills.
Prerequisite(s): freshman status
AFS 151
Initial Military Training II
0 credits
Leadership Lab (LLAB) for the Initial Military Training (IMT) cadets is a recruiting and retention tool. It is an informative and motivational experience, one that inspires cadets to continue to pursue the AFROTC program and an Air Force commission. The focus should be on activities that promote the Air Force way of life and help effectively recruit and retain qualified cadets. LLAB provides new cadets with basic skills and knowledge needed to be a functional member of the cadet corps. It also provides the IMT cadet with information they can use to determine whether or not they wish to continue with the AFROTC program and subsequently pursue an Air Force commission. Weekly activities are designed to build camaraderie and esprit de corps, as well as help them develop leadership and teamwork skills.
Prerequisite(s): AFS 150 and freshman status
AFS 210
Team and Leadership Fundamentals I
1 credit
''Team and Leadership Fundamentals,'' focuses on laying the foundation for teams and leadership. The topics include skills that will allow cadets to improve their leadership on a personal level and within a team. The courses will prepare cadets for their field training experience where they will be able to put the concepts learned into practice. The purpose is to instill a leadership mindset and to motivate sophomore students to transition from AFROTC cadet to AFROTC officer candidate.
Prerequisite(s): sophomore status
AFS 211
Team and Leadership Fundamentals II
1 credit
''Team and Leadership Fundamentals,'' focuses on laying the foundation for teams and leadership. The topics include skills that will allow cadets to improve their leadership on a personal level and within a team. The courses will prepare cadets for their field training experience where they will be able to put the concepts learned into practice. The purpose is to instill a leadership mindset and to motivate sophomore students to transition from AFROTC cadet to AFROTC officer candidate.Prerequisite(s): AFS 210 and sophomore status
AFS 250
Field Training Preparation I
0 credits
The Field Training Preparation (FTP) LLAB program provides training to ensure every cadet is mentally and physically prepared for the rigorous field training environment. In coordination with AFROTC/DOT (Field Training Staff), the FTP curriculum specifies a set of skills all cadets must learn prior to attending field training.Prerequisite(s): sophomore status
AFS 251
Field Training Preparation II
0 credits
The Field Training Preparation (FTP) LLAB program provides training to ensure every cadet is mentally and physically prepared for the rigorous field training environment. In coordination with AFROTC/DOT (Field Training Staff), the FTP curriculum specifies a set of skills all cadets must learn prior to attending field training.Prerequisite(s): AFS 250 and sophomore status
AFS 310
Leading People and Effective Communication I
3 credits
''Leading People and Effective Communication,'' teaches cadets advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing leadership skills and communication. Cadets have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors.
Prerequisite(s): AFS 210 and junior status
AFS 311
Leading People and Effective Communication II
3 credits
''Leading People and Effective Communication,'' teaches cadets advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing leadership skills and communication. Cadets have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors.Prerequisite(s): AFS 310 and junior status
AFS 350
Intermediate Cadet Leadership I
0 credits
LLAB provides intermediate cadet leaders, typically AS300 cadets, the opportunity to further develop the skills learned at field training. Every cadet position should provide the intermediate cadet leaders the opportunity to sharpen their planning, organizational, and communication skills, as well as their ability to effectively use resources to accomplish a mission in a constructive learning environment.Prerequisite(s): AFS 250, AFS 251 and junior status
AFS 351
Intermediate Cadet Leadership II
0 credits
LLAB provides intermediate cadet leaders, typically AS300 cadets, the opportunity to further develop the skills learned at field training. Every cadet position should provide the intermediate cadet leaders the opportunity to sharpen their planning, organizational, and communication skills, as well as their ability to effectively use resources to accomplish a mission in a constructive learning environment.Prerequisite(s): AFS 250, AFS 251, AFS 350 and junior status
AFS 410
National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active I
3 credits
''National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty,'' is designed for college seniors and gives them the foundation to understand their role as military officers in American society. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level. The final semester provides information that will prepare the cadets for Active Duty.Prerequisite(s): senior status
AFS 411
National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty II
3 credits
''National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty,'' is designed for college seniors and gives them the foundation to understand their role as military officers in American society. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level. The final semester provides information that will prepare the cadets for Active Duty.Prerequisite(s): AFS 410 and senior status
AFS 450
Senior Cadet Leadership I
0 credits
LLAB for senior cadet leaders (SCL), typically AS400 cadets, provides commissioning cadets with additional opportunities to develop leadership and supervisory capabilities and prepares them for their first active duty assignment. Like the ICL development program, there will be ample opportunity to develop and receive feedback on those leadership skills they will be expected to possess when they arrive at their first duty station. The SCL LLAB program is also designed to provide prospective officers with the basic active duty survival skills.Prerequisite(s): AFS 350, AFS 351 and senior status
AFS 451
Senior Cadet Leadership II
0 credits
LLAB for senior cadet leaders (SCL), typically AS400 cadets, provides commissioning cadets with additional opportunities to develop leadership and supervisory capabilities and prepares them for their first active duty assignment. Like the ICL development program, there will be ample opportunity to develop and receive feedback on those leadership skills they will be expected to possess when they arrive at their first duty station. The SCL LLAB program is also designed to provide prospective officers with the basic active duty survival skills.Prerequisite(s): AFS 350, AFS 351, AFS 450 and senior status