The undergraduate Certificate in Human Trafficking Awareness provides a basic overview and introduction to the human trafficking problem, recognizing, responding, and investigating human trafficking allegations, creating change, and advocating for victims of human trafficking and human trafficking awareness. The goal of the Certificate in Human Trafficking Awareness is to provide knowledge and develop skills about the social and criminal impact of human trafficking. Developing greater awareness of the human trafficking problem will enable all those working on the front line and dealing with humans in crisis to know how to respond to and investigate suspected human trafficking cases. Knowledge and skills gained from the human trafficking courses in this certificate program can be put into practice by medical and health professionals, educators, human services and social workers, and law enforcement. This 18-credit certificate consists of 4 core courses and 2 elective courses. Bachelor’s degree students in all undergraduate degree programs are eligible to complete this certificate provided they complete any and all prerequisite requirements. Human trafficking takes many forms, and therefore, this certificate is equally valuable for members of the community because course content raises awareness of being able to recognize instances of human trafficking in their communities. The Certificate in Human Trafficking Awareness consists of 18 undergraduate credits. Twelve (12) credits make up the core of the certificate program, and students may choose six (6) credits from a menu of approved electives.
SOC 404 Human Trafficking
SOC 472 Investigating Human Trafficking
SOC 473 Human Trafficking Advocacy & Change
Choose (1) course from the following:
CRJ 101 Survey of Criminal Justice
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
CRJ 410 Multicultural Issues in Criminal Justice
CRJ 411 Criminal Evidence and Procedures
CRJ 469 Domestic Violence
CRJ 474 Victims of Crime
CRJ 490 Internship in Criminal Justice
HLT 379 Healthcare Emergency Management
NUR 413 Holistic Health Assessment
PHI 302 Ethics and Values in Behavioral Science
PSY 305 Psychopathology
PSY 309 Interpersonal Communication Skills
PSY 420 Introduction to Trauma-Informed Approaches
PSY 490 Internship in Behavioral Science (Psychology Majors)
SOC 303 Contemporary Social Problems
SOC 312 Community Health & Social Issues
SOC 321 Homelessness in America
SOC 405 Social Deviance
SOC 425 Child Abuse: Recognition and Investigation
SOC 426 Responding and Investigation: Child Maltreatment
SOC 427 Responding to the Survivors of Child Abuse and Survivor Responses
SOC 464 Working in the Helping Professions
SOC 468 Case Management
SOC 469 Step-Parenting & Blended Families
SOC 490 Internship in Behavioral Science (Behavioral Science majors)
This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.