Instructor Intro Video
Self Introduction Video (On Campus)
A self introduction video is a 1 - 2 minute video where an instructor introduces himself or herself to their students by sharing some information about their educational and work background.
Personalize your Online Course
Students may find it challenging to identify with their instructor in an online learning environment. Adding an introduction video to your faculty contact, or embedding one in the course introduction or announcement, can be a great way to build connection.
Create a Positive First Impression
Instructors may feel pressure to create a positive first impression on the first night of class. Not only will a positive first impression set the tone for the rest of the class, but it will also help you to develop a good relationship with your students. Creating a self instructor video is a multimedia option that helps instructors to get their first impression right every time.
Location of Video Shoot
Filming will take place at the Wilson Graduate Center by appointment only.
Schedule an Appointment on Campus
Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment. After you submit your appointment request, you will be contacted by our Multimedia Technologist with the specific details regarding the date and time of your appointment. Please do not come in without an appointment.